A website dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of Guitarists in Mexico and to publicize their projects and events. The largest Directory of Mexican Guitarists.

Arturo Ocampo
Baja California North

Arturo ocampo

Born in 1978 I have been playing for about 25 years, my favorite genre is Power Metal. I currently play in my band Acero de Guerra, which I decided to reform in 2018 after the band hadn't played for about 10 years. I have an instrumental EP and with Acero de Guerra I have recorded 1 CD, «Leyendas de Acero» (2005) and 1 EP, «Forjando el Acero» (2020) and 1 Instrumental EP (2017).… Read more

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Paco Herrejón

Paco Herrejon

Currently sponsored by Blackstar, D'Addario and the Harman group. Member of the group Anxiety. He has collaborated with jazz artists such as Pepe Hernández, Alex Gómez and Jorge Brauet and worked with pop artists such as Sasha, Benny and Erik, Ana Torroja, Ha-Ash and Flans. A pedagogue for 10 years, he has worked in some of the most important academic institutions. He is currently part of the teaching staff at The Contemporary Music School.… Read more

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Constantino Garín

Constantino Garin

Guitarist of Noesis Ñuu-Savi, a musical group originally from Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, Mexico, in their musical style they fuse the sounds of different cultures of the State of Oaxaca, made up of four brothers of Oaxacan origin dedicated to the dissemination of traditional music Mexican with sounds of an electric nature, also interpreting pieces of classical music by composers like Beethoven, mixing sounds such as blues, metal, rock, folk and Chilean.
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