A website dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of Guitarists in Mexico and to publicize their projects and events. The largest Directory of Mexican Guitarists.

Roy Gama VI
Mexico state

Roy Range VI

(MOISÉS GAMA SOLANO) He was born on October 16, 1985 in Tlalnepantla Edo. Mex. At the age of 15 he began his studies (in electric guitar) in a self-taught way. Later he entered the school of BELLAS ARTES in TULTEPEC EDO

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Julio Revueltas

Julio Revueltas

Julio Revueltas is a jazz and rock instrumental musician and composer who already has more than 25 years of career and 5 studio albums, among which Rajneesh his most recent record production stands out. This outstanding musician is one of the few who knows how to interpret melodies on a very peculiar and little-known instrument called "viotarra" which is a hybrid between a guitar and a violin. With the physical appearance of a guitar, this instrument has the peculiarity of being played with a bow and emitting truly magical sounds.… Read more

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