Power Chords or Fifth Chords

The chords are made up of 3 notes, in this case the Power Chords only include 2, what really more than a chord is an interval:

Root - Perfect Fifth (R - 5)

You can also repeat the Root (R5R)

They are represented only with the letter that represents the name of the chord followed by the number "5" that represents the interval of R - 5, for example Do Power Chord is represented as C5.

* In the examples we will use the 2-note version, with the repeated root represented as imaginary.

They are generally used in Genres such as Rock, Blues Y Metal. It is common to use them on guitars with distortion, and making use of the technique Palm mute.

Power Chords Chart

ChordRootPerfect Fifth
D ♭ 5D ♭A ♭
E ♭ 5E ♭B ♭
G ♭ 5G ♭D ♭
A ♭ 5A ♭E ♭
A♯5A♯E♯ (F)
B ♭ 5B ♭F

They are chords that we can perform using the open strings of the guitar, using a capotrasto, or sometimes making capo.

D5 - Re Power Chord
D5 - Re Power Chord
E5 - Mi Power Chord
E5 - My Power Chord
G5 - Sol Power Chord
G5 - Sol Power Chord
A5 - La Power Chord
A5 - The Power Chord
B5 - Si Power Chord
B5 - Yes Power Chord


Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 2
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 2
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 3
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 3
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 4
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 4
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 5
Power Chord - 5 - Fundamental - Set 5


Set 5 on the first 6 frets can be used to simulate a 7-string guitar and be able to play some extra chords not available on 6-string guitars.

Power Chord - 5 - Inversión - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Inversion - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Inversión - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Inversion - Set 1
Power Chord - 5 - Inversión - Set 3
Power Chord - 5 - Inversion - Set 3
Power Chord - 5 - Inversión - Set 4
Power Chord - 5 - Inversion - Set 4
Power Chord - 5 - Inversión - Set 5
Power Chord - 5 - Inversion - Set 5

Mexican Guitar Players

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