A website dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of Guitarists in Mexico and to publicize their projects and events. The largest Directory of Mexican Guitarists.

Alfonso Moreno

Alfonso Moreno

One of the greatest interpreters that the world of classical guitar has given. He approaches the guitar from a symphonic point of view, which he achieves thanks to its great variety of shades, timbres and colors, often creating the sensation of listening to a real orchestra.… Read more

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Roy Gama VI
Mexico state

Roy Range VI

(MOISÉS GAMA SOLANO) He was born on October 16, 1985 in Tlalnepantla Edo. Mex. At the age of 15 he began his studies (in electric guitar) in a self-taught way. Later he entered the school of BELLAS ARTES in TULTEPEC EDO

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Gilberto Puente
New Lion

Gilberto Puente

Los Tres Reyes is a musical trio of Mexican origin made up of the brothers Gilberto Puente (second voice, requinto), Raúl Puente (third voice, guitar), currently accompanied by the Cuban Bebo Cárdenas (first voice, guitar, maracas). The trio Los Tres Reyes, led by Gilberto and Raúl Puente, with Hernando Avilés as first voice, was integrated in October 1958.… Read more

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Raúl Fernández Greñas

Raúl Fernández «Greñas»

His professional career began in 1981 in London, England, when he joined an English band called Red, with which he recorded 3 songs. In 1983, back in Mexico, he formed Luzbel, a band with which he has recorded 7 albums and the new one is about to come out. Other important projects are the 2 albums of the Argus Group that he also founded. He has several participations both as session musician and as a special guest in various projects.… Read more

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Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana is a Mexican jazz-rock and Latin rock guitarist, multi-Grammy winner. He is considered the 15th best guitarist of all time, according to Rolling Stone magazine.… Read more

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